Web Hosting

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

You Can Work From Home- All You Need Is An Internet Connection!

You Can Work From Home- All You Need Is An Internet Connection!

in Business Ideas

There are a lot of people who have started working from home by getting into online marketing, to either supplement their income or to create a singular source for making cash. Today, online marketing offers a lot of benefits, apart from giving you a chance so that you can work from home!
Firstly, you can reach a bigger audience via the World Wide Web as it helps you connect to people living far away from you. Anyone who has an Internet access can reach you if you market products online. This means you will get an extensive audience that in turn would mean bigger profits. Secondly, establishing an online business needs only a portion of the total cost you will require to set up an actual business, which translates to a huge amount of savings for the owner of the business. Hence, you can work from home and earn huge dividends.
Yet another facet that has fascinated a lot of people regarding home business opportunity is related to online marketing. Online marketing does not require a person to have his/her own line of products to sell. Via online marketing, one can begin making loads of cash through selling, or trying to sell products of other companies and people. And using this strategy is really easy. All that's required is an agreement with one of the online merchants, and once things are settled, one can straight away start making cash by selling the products offered by the merchant.
By the way, just so you know, the most effective way of selling others' products through internet is affiliate marketing. This form of marketing, in its simplest form, is a relationship between a retailer, who has items he needs to sell, and her/his affiliates, who have agreed to endorse the retailer's products over their website. So this means you can work from home, sell products via the internet and earn good money.
In an archetypal affiliate marketing set up, the retailers offer the affiliates text ads and banners that link to their website. The affiliates get these ads placed on their site and get paid if they are able to generate sales and traffic to the website of the merchant. Affiliates normally get paid via commission, although some merchants may also choose to pay a fixed fee as the compensation for the affiliate. You can work from home and start to make good money sitting online through affiliate marketing. All you need to do is sign up with an online company as an affiliate.
With several different choices available and numerous ways to earn money, affiliate marketing is certainly the most well-liked and the easiest way to make cash by selling products of other people online. As far as how much one can make is concerned, depends on the affiliate's capability. A hardworking affiliate would benefit far more from this strategy as compared to people who would sign up and then completely forget about the program after signing on.
Overall, with online marketing you can work from home, apply your own strategies and make good cash.

Several Ways Of Making Money From Home

Several Ways Of Making Money From Home

in Business Opportunities

Internet is featured with so many benefits and profits to the people in modern days. The invention of internet brings so many things easier to everyone including communication, working and more amazingly introduced the new ways of earning by sitting at home. There are different organizations which has planned and set different opportunities for the people to start with a business online just by sitting at home and working for them. There are many legal and easier ways to make money from home. Some of the opportunities to work online requires some kind of affiliation with any other organization or some would require some sort of software. A person can also join international companies to work online when he/she is living offshore to the company. Following are some of the ways I am going to discuss about making money from home: 
Foreign-Exchange (Trading Currency) 
So many people are coming to the trading business as it is becoming more safe to do while just sitting at home. Trading currency business can be done online while sitting at home because of many robots invented which helps in FOREX development to the worker. These robots and software packages are designed in such a way that they can assist a beginner as well as a professional who is trading from home. 
 The popularity of such sort of robots and software packages is because they can work efficiently to forecast FOREX market trends. The trends are used to determine about how maximum revenue can one obtain by the forecasted move. This can help in running trade business efficiently and that is also attracting many new people to this business.. A number of websites are available where you can join for trading currencies. 
Personal Business 
One another way of earning money online is by starting up business individually. The progress for such business will be customized and you can use your skills to start business, promote and market your products to sell them. You can make your own customized web site for the marketing. Individuals have to plan everything for their business. The website they make for the business must act like a showcase to promote those products which are available to be sell out to customers. 
Not only the websites work in this regard but one have to write marketing articles, blogs, contents, mashups and many other techniques for marketing. These methods will help you in your business to find potential customers for the sales. 
Affiliation marketing 
This is the method of gaining commission. The main organization which is providing products for sales looking for the buyers. These organizations welcome affiliates which act as a medium to promote their products for sales. The profit commission is earned by the affiliates. You can make setting with such firms and make your web page to promote their products which will assist them to get more potential buyers. It is a good way of marketing by sitting at home. 
There are so many other ways of making money from home. Above ones were only the ideas which will make up your mind about how important is internet becoming in every ones life. You can start up with any of the above ways to start earning money.

Problem-Solving Success Tip - Close Your Problem-Solving Effort Formally

Problem-Solving Success Tip - Close Your Problem-Solving Effort Formally

in Management

There's a tendency to drift away from problem-solving projects rather than really closing them, especially if the success criteria have to be monitored for a long period of time to prove the problem is really solved. Formal closure will help insure that the problem is really solved and that there are no loose ends.
The first closure step, once your success criteria indicate the problem is solved, is to get official acknowledgment from your sponsor and other key stakeholders. Show them your success criteria measurements and ask for their agreement that it is time to conclude the problem-solving effort. If you've been communicating with them all along and done a good job of setting your success criteria, this will be a formality. Nevertheless, it is important to verify that everyone really agrees you are finished.
Once you have this agreement, it's time to clean up any odds and ends such as completing any remaining action items, assessing the effort (identifying what went well, and what you will do differently next time), and making sure the project documentation is complete and archived appropriately. Also, if anything needs to be transferred from the problem-solving team to normal operations, this is the last chance to be sure that is taken care of. For example, some metrics that you have been monitoring for the problem-solving effort may be things that should be monitored on an ongoing basis. In that case, they need to be incorporated into the regular operational metrics for the organization.
Then publicize the results, have a celebration and disband the problem-solving team.
Diambil dari: www.readbud.com
Copyright 2010. Jeanne Sawyer

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010


Teknik Optimasi Mesin Pencari 

Jika Anda ingin melihat situs Web Anda pada halaman pertama dari mesin pencari yang penting, dan ingin memiliki peringkat utama pada halaman Google maka Anda perlu mengoptimalkan situs cerdas Anda. Iklan di berbagai website bisa menjadi ide yang bagus, tapi saya pikir  optimasi halaman akan memberikan hasil yang jauh lebih baik dalam jangka panjang.

Perencanaan SEO

Setiap kali Anda memulai sesuatu Anda harus mempersiapkan rencana. Rencana tersebut harus dapat dilaksanakan dan bukan sesuatu yang tidak dapat dicapai. Setelah Anda membuat pedoman rencana itu. Cobalah untuk mencapai tujuan satu per satu dan dalam jadwal waktu. Jika Anda mampu mencapai tujuan Anda lebih awal dari jadwal maka Anda dapat bekerja lebih untuk situs dan dapat bekerja lebih lanjut tentang optimalisasi situs.

Riset Keyword

Your website's search engine optimization should start with keyword research. You must prioritize this and spend a good amount of time in analyzing the keywords. After your research is over, you may even have to change the keywords but they would surely help. If you have human resource then you may start with competitive keywords and if you are doing it alone then you may optimize for less competitive keywords. There are many keyword tools; you may use Google Adwords Keywords tool for th purpose.

Optimisasi mesin pencari situs Web Anda harus dimulai dengan riset kata kunci. Anda harus memprioritaskan ini dan menghabiskan jumlah waktu yang baik dalam menganalisis kata kunci. Setelah penelitian Anda selesai, Anda bahkan mungkin harus mengubah kata kunci, tetapi mereka pasti akan membantu. Jika Anda memiliki sumber daya manusia maka Anda dapat mulai dengan kata kunci yang kompetitif dan jika Anda melakukannya sendiri maka Anda dapat mengoptimalkan kata kunci kurang kompetitif. Ada banyak tool kata kunci, Anda dapat menggunakan Google Adwords Kata Kunci untuk tujuan tersebut

Analisis Pesaing

Setelah Anda menyelesaikan kata kunci Anda, Anda harus membandingkannya dengan kompetitor Anda. Perbandingan ini akan membantu Anda mengetahui perbedaan nyata antara situs Anda dan situs web pesaing Anda. Anda dapat memeriksa jumlah link balik pesaing Anda dan kemudian Anda bisa mendapatkan ide berapa banyak link balik yang Anda butuhkan untuk bersaing. Untuk ini, Anda dapat menggunakan tool seperti backlinkwatch.com.

Optimasi OnPage

Optimasi OnPage mungkin tidak penting untuk sebuah mesin pencari tetapi ia merupakan aspek penting dan itu adalah sesuatu yang membawa pembaca kembali ke situs Anda. OnPage optimasi untuk Anda gunakan dan bukan untuk  Google.
Anda harus memiliki judul dan header yang membawa kata kunci yang paling relevan dan kemudian di bolds. Anda perlu mengoptimalkan kata kunci, link balik, tag meta dan juga gambar.

Hindari Teknik Topi Hitam

Anda mungkin terpikat oleh beberapa teknik yang dapat memberikan hasil yang langsung daripada menggunakan analisis memakan waktu dan tindakan. teknik tersebut tidak memberikan hasil positif mendadak, tapi pada tahap berikutnya Anda mungkin tertangkap oleh Google dan dilarang. Itu selalu lebih baik menggunakan teknik topi putih dan sabar menunggu hasil yang bermanfaat.

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010


(Tiap 1 artikel Anda dibayar antara $0,01 – $0,1 USD)

Anda suka membaca? Selalu ingin tahu akan segala hal? Dan berniat untuk menambah kemampuan dalam membaca teks bahasa Inggris sambil dibayar?
Readbud adalah sebuah situs yang memberi kesempatan bagi membernya untuk membaca artikel-artikel yang dikirim ke member guna diberi penilaian.  Penilaian cukup dengan memberi rating pada gambar “bintang” di akhir artikel (lihat gambar).
Ada 50 topik yang bisa member pilih sesuai dengan minat masing-masing. Idealnya memang member sebaiknya menguasai bahasa Inggris, tapi bagi yang belum mahir bahasa Inggris masih bisa berpartisipasi. Toh Readbud tidak mensyaratkan member harus fasih berbahasa Inggris, namun member cukup mengerti akan artikel yang diinvite kepadanya lalu diberi rating.
Besarnya bayaran yang diberikan berkisar antara USD $ 0,01 - $ 1 tergantung pada banyak kata artikel.
Income terbesar berasal dari Referrall program sebesar $5 diberikan jika member berhasil mengajak 1 orang untuk ikut menjadi member readbud. Dan ada beberapa program lagi seperti affiliate program. Readbud akan membayar Anda melalui PayPal setelah anda sudah membukukan sebanyak $50.

Bila Anda tertarik, maka langkah-langkah yang bisa dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Buka rekening di PayPal buat menampung penghasilan Anda dari bisnis On Line tersebut.
  2. Masuk ke situs Readbud dengan mengklik Link sebagai berikut:
  1. Lakukan pendaftaran seperti prosedur.
  2. Pilih 50 topik artikel sesuai minat Anda.
  3. sering-sering berkunjung untuk mendapatkan artikel yang dibayar.

Tips memaksimalkan income:
  1. Sering-sering berkunjung ke readbud untuk mendapatkan artikel yang diinvite ke member.
  2. Pilih topik yang sekiranya menarik dan banyak ditulis orang.
  3. Sering-seringlah untuk mengajak orang untuk menjadi member readbud (ingat 1 orang dibayar $5).


Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010



Sama seperti mata kuliah Statistik Pendidikan, untuk meningkatkan mutu perkuliahan maka saya menyusun sebuah Handouts dari slide yang yang digunakan pada perkuliahan di STAI Al-Karimiyah Sawangan Depok.

Handouts ini terdiri dari tujuh bagian sesuai dengan silabus mata kuliah Metode Penelitian I yang saya bimbing. Semoga handout ini berarti bagi Anda yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah ini atau pihak yang ingin tahu dan memperdalam bidang penelitian.

Saya sadar, masih banyak kekurangan dari handout ini, oleh karena itu kritik dan saran yang positif saya harapkan dari Anda sekalian untuk penyempurnaannya di waktu yang akan datang.

Jika Anda berminat, silahkan download di sini!

Dosen pengasuh mata kuliah,

Nana Supriatna, S.E

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010


Saya ingin menggunakan antivirus baru di netbook. Setelah sekian lama menggunakan Avira Antivirus, yang agak sulit untuk diupdate. Cari-cari beritanya ternyata sejak 19 Januari 2010 Avast merilis versi Antivirus terbaru, Avast 5, termasuk Avast Free Edition. Avast termasuk salah satu vendor antivirus yang menyediakan versi gratis (free) dengan fitur yang patut dipertimbangkan dibanding antivirus lainnya.
Di versi baru ini, Avast tampil dengan tambahan fitur baru dan perbaikan tampilan sebelumnya.
Selain produk gratis, avast juga merilis Pro Antivirus dan Internet Security. Perubahan yang sangat tampak adalah perubahan tampilan, selain itu sebelumnya Avast yang menamakan antivirus gratisnya dengan Avast Home Edition, kali ini berganti menjadi Avast Free Antivirus. Meskipun free edition, tetapi kemampuan proteksi dari malware sama dengan pro edition, yang membedakan hanya ke fiturnya dan opsinya.
Fitur-fitur Avast 5.0 Free Edition antara lain :
• Proteksi dari virus dan spyware secara terus menerus
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Fitur dan penjelasan lebih lengkapnya silahkan melihat Avast Free Download. Versi baru ini memberikan perbaikan pada engine Antivirus dan antispyware intelligent scanner, Silent/Gaming mode dan juga Behavior shield. Jika ingin mengetahui perbandingan antara Free Edition, Pro editian dan Internet Security, silahkan melihat Perbandingan Edisi Avast
Sistem minimal yang dibutuhkan:
* Processor Pentium 3, 128 MB RAM, 100 MB of free hard disk space
* Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64 bit)
Melihat fitur serta tampilan barunya, Avast 5.0 Free ini memang patut untuk dicoba, sebelumnya saya kurang suka dengan tampilannya yang seperti media player (meskipun skin bisa diganti). Tetapi kali ini tampilan tampak lebih segar. Bagi anda yang memerlukan antivirus gratis dengan fitur lengkap, Avast ini mungkin solusinya. Silahkan mencoba sendiri ! dengan mendownload di sini: